every morning before I start work, I do what I call my morning pages. At least three. On these pages I draw anything, hands, people, animals. whatever comes to mind. I have lots of photo books which often help me get started. This is an excersise I do to help me through my artistic blocks.
Every morning, before I start work, I read this blog! Your work is my spark plug, thanks for all the inspiration!
some wonderful work you do Stephen. Im looking forward to (busting) uhm I mean shaking your hand at the Emerald City Comic Con this weekend. :P You are definitely an inspiring piece of the art community!
Isnt the morning pages thing taken from the Artists Way series? That's a really awesome thing to do. SOmething I need to do myself.
best regards
hi stephen. i'm julian and i am from argentina. i'm a huge fan of your work and it a big inspiration for me, specially when you tell the places your draw like coffe shops or looking at people with your friends and then posting them at the sketch club blog and this studies you do before you star to work too. tomorrow i'll go to the studio a bit earlier and do a worm up before i'll start!
newsquirt, You are correct sir, Artistically, there are many times when I struggle, I picked up this book, and started reading, I found alot of inspiration from it. This excercise has been extremly useful to me in freeing up my artistic blocks.
I hate to say this but one of the best in the biz struggles? well that's good to hear, not that it shows dude, your work is really top notch and I really look forward to seeing more!!! Though it does say alot about you as an artist and wanting even more from your work, that's an inspiration in itself! :D
Wow. I say, got-damn. These are beautiful...especially the hands. It would probably take me all day to do three pages of sketches.
Great post!Beautiful!
Nice lively sketches. Diggin' those hands.
Ah, just like to told me to do ;) The advice is helping, by the way. And as always, great sketches man.
Hey Stephen,
Great sketches! Love the hands. Wish I could start my day off with great sketches like that. I'd be whistling all day long:)
Beautiful hands...To say youre work inspires me would be an understatement
terrific hand shapes
wow, it's scary how good your warm-up sketches are! Wonderful stuff!
Excellent habit and excellent sketches.
That is great idea - I will try the same to overcome my block.
THese drawings are amazing, love the hands studies!! Very expressive!
i'd like to borrow those hands if you catch my drift
great drawin's steve!!!!!!!!!
really nice hand studies
Love the hands!!!
fanTAStic... I've been considering a morning-ish warm-up type thing as well. You just never know when those off days are going to rear their ugly heads, but I generally always feel better after some sketching. Also, Artist's Way was an assigned book in one of my college english comp classes, but I've never really read it, to be honest. I've still got it hanging around. Maybe I'll take another look.
nice choices w/the hands... good design
I love youe style and the loose lines. Very inspiring. And yes, I picked up a copy of your book - it always motivates me to add to my own sketch book.
Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. If everyone woke up to that every day, it would replace caffeine, it gets me going.
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