Saw some supermans floating around on some great blogs, so I thought I would give him a whirl. please don't be harsh, it is the first super hero I think I have ever drawn. Christopher reeve was my favorite as a child. for some reason When I am too attached to things it is harder for me to draw, it explains why I have never done a caricature of my favorite band. "The Beatles"
I think it looks fantastic. I would love to see more...
Oh man, i really like this Stephen!
It's impossible to be harsh with that. It's too nice! I also like the subtle "Fortress" in the background.
I wouldn't mind seeing your rendition of the Beatles. Give it a go, what's the worst that could happen?
That's a GREAT drawing of SUPERMAN!
Man, you really nailed Reeve.
Excellent likeness, Stephen! Very well done!
Thats one of the best caricatures of Christopher Reeves I've seen! Im a huge Superman fan & I love what you did here. I just put up a few of my own Superman work on my blog and a few other justice league heroes. When ever you have a chance let me know what you think.
great to see your version!
Steve!!! This rocks!!!! Great drawing!!!
great super duper man stephen!!!
i had a great time at yr one day seminar!!! i learned a whole bunch!
Long live the Silver!!!
Talk to you later!
Your version is a nicely different! :O)
Great job Stephen, it's not as pushed as ur regular stuff, but it totally capture Reeves role of superman.
You got the eyes the nose and the lips perfect man.
He's seems kind of stiff at first, but then it totally works for this piece.
Oh it was fun kickin it with you at the NY convention, take care and I'll see you at the next one.
Cool superman! I really like your art, and I can't believe that this is my first time on your blog. I'll be comming back though:)
hy dude superman was superb.
That is a GREAT Superman. I really like the rest of the blog AND your website. You do good work.
the eyes are great!
and the overall design is very nice.
Great stuff showed in your blog, I like it very much
thats pretty sick
What can I say? You're the man, Steve!
Beautiful. I like the sleek long legs and the big torso.
Great pic. Very solid.
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