Friday, December 08, 2006

Al Hirschfeld

If you have never seen this, it is the greatest video. Al Hirschfeld is one of my heroes. It is great to see how he starts his sketch, and how he draws through his lines. The best part is what every man should have, the way his wife politely askes him to stop drawing after taking a deep breath. I love how he keeps drawing, It reminds me of me when I am still drawing but I have to go somewhere. Sometimes you are so into it, it's hard to stop. Long Live Hirshfeld.


Cin said...

it's great to see this, did you know it was just a small snippet of a documentary dvd called "Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story"?

Mark McDonnell said...


So good man. So funny!


Todd Oman said...

Yeah that is an all time great video.

Piotr said...

It's one of the best moments to see a master at work. I could spend all day just watching! Are you going to do any videos Stephen?

Oh, and please check out a new project I'm working on with fellows over from the NCN:

Tom said...

That was a great vieo, thanks for posting that! I have only just begun to check out Hirschfeld, this video has me excited to pick up some of his books.

Also, I'll echo Piotr, it would be awesome to see a video of you drawing, Stephen.


yup, it's one of the most amazing videos i've seen! long live hirschfeld!

Jarrett said...

Wow. That was so enjoyable.

ghostwriter56 said...

Now that's an art lesson!

You can't do work like that on a computer!

Thanks for sharing that with us!

Unknown said...

haha amen to that video. =)

Marji4x said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us,, I had no idea it existed. I've been passing it out to all my friends and everyone's foaming at the mouth about it!

Also, I'll put in my vote for a Stephen Silver video!


Chris Houghton said...

Wow, what a great catch! Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.

Patrick Morgan said...

Hirschfeld was and still is the BOMB!!! I love how he scratches away at his pen lines. Awesome!!!

Urban Barbarian said...

Impressive!! 99 years old!!!

stephen Silver said...

I will be doing some videos along with the ever talented Bobby Chiu. It will be an online thing.

kaNO! said...

Thanks for the clip stephen, very inspiring!!!


wow!!! that was awesome to see...
just to see how he starts
his sketch to the way he inks
the drawing. thank you so
much for sharing the cool clip~

m said...

Great video, He's a pro.


hirsch rulz!

vids w/ bobby! right on!

watched them all on youtube

in fact watched them all last night and today too

if anyone who doesn't know about them just go to bobby chiu's blog and/or go to, search for digitalbobert, they are rad


just watched the video...

just amazing

ditto on the comments from:

mark - yup funny, i can be like that too

ghost - damn straight

piotr - i could too and i will once i get that dvd

and again stephen on vids, thumbs up!

tom - hirsch books, i'm there dude

patrick - that was something to behold

hey urban - damn 99 and going strong, my gramps is 91 btw and he can do alot too. just like hirsch can't tell him to quit as well

stephen - bobby rulz and alberto ruiz too!

look forward to them

shawn - yup a true pro

again if you haven't checked out bobby's vids, you will be missing out on something as great as this vid


cristian said...

WOW...!! It's hard to find the right words to express how I feel after watching this awesome video.
Nice and brilliant...

David Colman said...

great to see this....funny to see how sketchy he is @ some points w/the ink, versus doing one clean swoop of the line....which I see him do here too...

thanx for sharing

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