Monday, March 24, 2008

Every so often, I come upon some words of wisdom. Words that have meaning to me and pertain to our world in art. I came upon this and just simply wanted to share. If it makes you think, that is good.

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it."


Anonymous said...

I love it. Who would this quote be attributed to?

stephen Silver said...

I don't know, it did'nt say. I saw it on a piece of paper hanging on a board.

Jennifer Darlington said...

it's by Harvey Mackay

Antonio said...

instant classics!!! worth hanging on the wall

Dan said...

Awesome man, another reason why i love your blog. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

that is some great stuff!! thanks for sharing!

Gerald de Dios said...

Truly words of wisdom to live by. Thanks for reminding us to keep pushing forward because nothing just happens over night. Cheers!

jobi said...

Hai, Senseï...

Tony DiStefano said...

Wonderful Words Sir.

Shawn Escott said...

Thanks for sharing your encouraging words! One that I like is "Every new day is a fresh start."

Adolfo Rodriguez said...

Amen to that. Cheers!

Becca said...

Nice of you to share! Great blog btw! Hope all is well!

Lalena said...

I wonder if you read Deepak Choepra or Khalil Gibran? If not, you may appreciate it a lot.

Whenever I am asked the time, my response is always "now". Because in my opinion it is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

Right on .

Patrick Morgan said...

Thanks Brother.

Cory and Tashina said...

Stephen, Thanks for always sticking to your passion. That may seem weird..someone thanking you for doing the things you've done out of sheer enjoyment..But I know it's not always been easy and yet some how you've managed to pull out of it with a positive outlook.

Thanks for sharing all that you've shared, and for helping this animation and art filled community inspired.. and motivated.

Most of all.. Thanks for being a friend.

You're Friend,
Cory Ag

Samuel Deats said...

Hey there! I'm workin' with them fellas over at Powerhouse Animation, whom yer prolly familiar with! You've been a big inspiration fer me so I just wanted to stop by, say hi, and thanks for doin' what'cha do so well!