I came across a bunch of kim possible roughs last night that I did in season 2 and 3. It was a really fun show to work on. I hope you enjoy them. The fat rufus drawing was for a plush toy they made. And some of these are prelimanary roughs that never made it in the show.
I'm home sick today, unfortunately, however you just made my day posting these KP roughs, especially Kimmie... :)
My God man you're good. Such flair and fluidity with line- great shapes and volumes. Simple yet sophisticated. Looks like so much fun to animate. give us more!
Thanks for posting these Stephen! WOnderful, wonderful designs, all of them!
Georgeous drawings! Great appeal.
Really nice stuff Stephen. Well done.
Ohh! I like the Lobsterman, I made one of my own at my sketch blog days ago. Exceleent as always, are these to be collected into "The Art of Stephen Silver Volume 2"?
Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunatly, this is the only place you will see them.
Mon dieu! Pencil poetry!
The first, angry kid and his iguana is great.
Trike boy is cool too.
I wonder why miniskirt Kim didn't make it into the show? ;)
– Corbett
WOW.. Soo much appeal and fluidity.. I love the weight in some of these drawings.. Awesome stuff Stephen!!
These are just awesome. I really like the ninjas, especially the one holding up his sash.
Amazing stuff, Steven. What a wonderful sense of rythem and poetic simplicity. You are such a talent man. Hirschfeld would be a verry happy man to see the evolution of a line. Really pleasing shapes as usual.
Grrrreaaat!! I love the big samurai gorilla!
I actually ended up buying that Samurai Gorilla from Stephen at Comic-Con this year. HAD to have it. Stephen, you're a master, man.
You made be tired of answering this by now, but I haven't seen anything from you, so I'll ask. Maybe you can post the answer on the blog.
Now that Kim is coming back, are other obligations going to prevent you from contributing to season 4?
Either way, thanks for all the great work. Your designs were (and are) an integral part of the show.
unfortunatly, I do have other obligations now and will be unable at this time to contribute anymore to KP. It is a sad day for me as well
Very very Nicee Caracters
Here's a Season #2 character from the episode "Partners" I've been curious about -- Justine Flanner.
Others have disagreed with me as well as agreed, but I think she looks a great deal like the convicted sexually abusive teacher from West-Central Florida Debra Lafave. I also know that at one time she did some modeling for automotive magazines before she got married and made the gossip pages. Is this just a coincidence, or did you just randomly copy some girl from an ad for automotive parts and tone down her makeup and figure?
she was just simply a figure made up from my imagination, nothing more. I hope that dispells any rumors.
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